Almost everyone has experienced some sort of trauma in their lifetime. This trauma can be the obvious life threatening events, assaults, combat and first responder calls. This trauma can also be less obvious, but equally significant. Perhaps you have experienced a betrayal, lost a loved one, felt humiliated, worthless, overly responsible, defective or out of control. These events and emotions are also traumatic and can leave strong negative emotions and beliefs about oneself and the world.
Our brains have a natural system to resolve trauma, but sometimes the processing needs help. When emotions of past events can still be experienced as a stress response in the present, we need to work on resolving the original event. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy was designed to help process and resolve these traumatic memories. Past emotionally-charged experiences no longer overly influence your present emotions, sensations, and thoughts about yourself. For example, do you ever feel like you have to be in control, even though you know you cannot? EMDR processing helps you break through these blocks. You will find this is a kinder and gentler way of treating trauma.
There is hope after what has happened to you.
Courtesy of EMDR International Association
What makes EMDR Therapy unique?
You do not have to talk about all of the details of your experiences in order for them to process.
You will likely get emotional during processing, but your therapist will help you safely manage. Once these strong emotions are processed they rarely return!
EMDR Therapy focuses on your brain's ability to constantly learn and update past experiences with present information.
You learn to "feel" what you "think".
Who can benefit from EMDR Therapy?
EMDR Therapy is an evidence-based treatment for a wide variety of issues.
Anxiety, phobias, panic attacks
Depression and bipolar disorders
Grief and loss
Performance anxiety
PTSD and other trauma and stress related issues
Sexual assault
Sleep disturbance
Violence and abuse
EMDR Therapy is offered at Whole Health by: Rosemary Clark